The economic, demographic and social aspects of sustainable development


  • Mohamed Alharary Aboub Ph.D. in Management, Al-Zawiye University, Ministry of Finances and Financial control of University Zawya, LYBIA


Sustainable development, economics sustainability, social and demographic aspects of sustainability


In this paper, we have defined Sustainable Development as an approach to the overall development of a society that seeks to improve the ability of current generations to meet their needs, while preserving resources and leaving the possibility for future generations to satisfy their needs in a versatile and sustainable way. In this paper, we will argue that sustainability and sustainable development is a very complex problem and it encompasses a variety of elements concentrated in many social areas, such as ecology, economics, social relations, political relations and culture. So we will observe the term "sustainable development" as an integrative process of contemporary society, going from local communities and groups, through regional units, to the global level of modern society. In this paper, we will concentrate on the economic, demographic and social aspects of sustainable development and sustainable society, because they are the premise and basis of every other form of sustainable society.



How to Cite

Mohamed Alharary Aboub. (2023). The economic, demographic and social aspects of sustainable development. Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management Research, 1(2). Retrieved from