Social Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Opportunities and Constraints


  • Dragana Vilić University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka


social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurs, opportunities, barriers, models of social entrepreneurship in B&H


This research explores the possibilities and constraints to the development
of social entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(B&H). The first part of the paper relies on some theoretical views
on social entrepreneurship as a special business activity and social
entrepreneurs as its actors. The second part checks whether these
activities and their actors exist (and to what extent) in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. We developed this reserach on the sample of 136 social
entrepreneurs in B&H, who were the respondents in our survey
and whose perceptions were analyzed in the research. The aim
of this research is to show the relationship between opportunities
and constraints for the development of social entrepreneurship in
B&H. The findings of the research show that there are significant
opportunities for the development of social entrepreneurship, but
that they are insufficiently used. There are also numerous obstacles,
both internal (the lack of self-confidence, determination and fear
of failure) and external ones (financial, infrastructural, local government


2022-06-22 — Updated on 2022-11-03

How to Cite

Dragana Vilić. (2022). Social Entrepreneurship in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Opportunities and Constraints. Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management Research, 1(1). Retrieved from